Cape Town surf spots for experienced surfers – Kalk Bay Reef

If you are about to surf this classic Cape Town surf spot for the first time we suggest you do it on a high tide and a medium-small swell. If you are searching for barrels, look no further. Kalk Bay Reef is a gnarly left that can hold a big swell and works in a northerly or even light south easterly.
There is plenty to do in Kalk Bay. Drop your boyfriend at the Brass Bell and he can drink beer and take pictures of you while you get slotted. For lunches we recommend Live Bait in Kalk Bay harbour and Octopus’s Garden on the main road. For sundowners check out Polana (stylish interior and couches on sea level). An excellent book shop, antique and miscellaneous stores, a quaint theatre – lots of interesting little spots to explore.
The vibe is local. Few girls surf this spot.
If you can surf, this spot is awesome and because of Kalk Bay’s cool vibe for after surf fun, this spot deserves a 3 out of 5.
Kalk Bay Reef