Beginner surf spots in Cape Town – Big Bay

Cape Town’s popular surf spot Big Bay has changed heaps in recent years. Previously a sand dune, a parking lot and a coffee shop called Surfrider this placed turned into a west coast Camps Bay type of set up. The recent developments have changed the waves too. When Big Bay is good, it produces a classy often crowded main peak on the right hand side of the bay. However, there are numerous peaks in place and depending on your level and your relationship with the locals you can either sit closer to the right (bigger) or to the left (smaller). On a big day you wont even get your hair wet if you stick to the channel on the left hand side of the bay. Being one of the most consistent surf spots in Cape Town, Big Bay can get a bit crowded. Wind-wise, Big Bay loves a light NE wind, works in a SE and has proven to work in a light NW as well.
The new shower facilities are excellent and there are plenty of coffee shops and restaurants for “after-surf-mingling” and caffeine-fix . Surf Zone surf shop (right on the beach) rents out boards and SUPs and offers surf lessons.
The crowd here is broad-shouldered and international. Kite and windsurfers from all over the world chase the world title train along this stretch of coast during the windy summer months. Lots of eye candy here.
Cape Town’s Big Bay gets 3 out of 5 for beginner friendly surf, its versatility, good vibe and coffee shop choices.