Surfsisters interviewed Cape Town’s big wave surfer Andy Marr to find out where he dries his wetsuit and other important questions
by Holle in Surf Brother of the Month | No Comments »
It is supposed to be breast cancer awareness month, and big wave surfer Andrew Marr, 37, is rummaging through his wardrobe for pink clothing. He finds a purple T-shirt—one of several from his sponsor O’Neill. He also finds a bracelet that states “I love boobies—keep a breast’, which he got at a big wave competition Todos Santos in 2010. The bracelet is blue, but he used to have a pink one as well. As he moves on to chopping vegetables for dinner, Surfsisters catch up with him on some important issues.
Surfsisters: What do you wear under your wetsuit?
Andrew Marr: Zero. Like underneath any pants really. Haven’t worn undies for years.
Surfsisters: Do you put your wetsuit in the washing machine?
Andrew Marr: I never leave it in the sun to dry. I have many wetsuits so I have the luxury to let them dry out slowly out of the sun. Never, ever put your wetsuit in the machine!
Surfsisters: How high is your tolerance for salty, crusty and dry hair? Many surfsisters know we have no time for conditioning and sun and salt water is harsh on it…
Andrew Marr: I think salty, crusty, sunburnt hair is the best thing. Absolutely beautiful.
Surfsisters: What hair products do you use?
Andrew Marr: 2 in 1 Organics. [But since the 2 in 1 is more expensive than buying shampoo and conditioner separately, he mixes his own.]
Surfsisters: As a big wave surfer, do you ever hang out in Muizenberg?
Andrew Marr: Yes, on occasion. Love to surf Muizenberg, Came jolly close to barreling the other day! Someone must have got a barrel at Muizenberg before? Is it impossible? Must be half-possible…?
Surfsisters: In your eyes, is longboarding or shortboarding more female?
Andrew Marr: I think it’s entirely up to the individual. But a woman can look very graceful on a longboard, walking the nose and stuff with a feminine touch is lovely. Like a ballerina. But there is definitely no gender association with any type of board! Wave riding is free, and your vehicle is your choice.
Surfsisters: Where can I store my boards at your house if I happen to stay overnight?
Andrew Marr: You can take your pick! See if you can find a gap in the rack or behind the couch.
Surfsisters: What is your take on women on surf trips, and who is in your usual crew?
Andrew Marr: Women are a lovely asset to a surf trip. I usually travel with Mickey Duffus and Simon Lowe, and there has never been a women surfer with us…. Oh, there was Maya Gabeira. We tried to tow the Breederiver mouth, but got skunked/foxed. The banks weren’t right. It made no different that she was a woman, she was just another surfer on the trip. She blended into the programme just fine.
[Andrew starts chopping some more veggies, before he realises something…] “Ah, I have been on surf trips with you!”
Surfsisters: Can girls rip?
Andrew Marr: Girls can rip!
Surfsisters: Thank you for chatting to us Andy. Give us a final sentence please.
Andrew Marr: Surfing must be one of the greatest blessings on the planet- enjoy the ride!
Got what it takes? Please contact Surfsisters to be featuring in the next issue of Surfbru of the month.