Surf spots near Cape Town – Elands Bay

Elands Bay, now a thriving West Coast community (dare I say resort?) was, back when surfing began in South Africa, little more than a blot at the end of a gravel road. EBay, or Elands as we first knew it, consisted of a hotel to which the local farmers came each Saturday for a sokkie-draai and langarm evening, a scattering of farms, a sparsely equipped algemene handelaar which served the locals and, increasingly, visiting surfers, a few squat whitewashed dwellings, and the crayfish factory.

Although the map has altered irretrievably, the territory remains the same, the waves continue to roll in with remarkable dependability and fine shape. The wave is a world-class, peeling left-hand point break that breaks onto a kelpy reef. At its best on a mid-tide, Elands Bay works in every tide and a south easterly and east-southeast wind direction. The swell needs to be fairly sizey, from 3.5 m open ocean west swell with a long period to produce an epic wave, but it is rideable on as little as 2m west swell and even a southwest swell.

There is also a right further up the point and the beach break can be surfed as well when it occasionally has some shape.

Where to stay when you’re there: Simone Robb, ace surfer, has a house
and a surf shack right near the point, within easy walking distance. And it has a pool. or phone: 0733838924.

There is a house right at the vlei, belonging to Trevor Button. It features three sections: 1 bachelor apartment, a flat with 2 bedrooms with double beds and a huge upstairs for if you feel like coming with all your homies. The view is amazing, the bedding really nice and the atmosphere warm and cosy. Cell: 0824905732.

We recommend bring your own food. Non-perishable stuff like firewood can be bought at the little cornershop at Elandsbaai “city centre”. While the pub at Elandsbay hotel is classic, be careful with the food at the hotel.

From November – April you can buy crayfish from the locals at a good price. Make sure its still alive and ask at the shop if there is a red tide and please do not buy undersized ones.

Best to come here during the week as weekend crowds can be a bit dense and tensions are tight at times.
Being a consistent, long point break, with the potential to make you smile for the rest of the week after just one wave, this spot deserves a 4 out of 5. Although the wave itself can be perfect, especially in Summer’s predominently southeasterly wind, it is terribly crowded when it is good. There are no coffee shops and no toilet facilities unless you trudge to the camp site in front of the hotel.
Elandsbay on a medium swell day